Leadership is all about building trust and sharing responsibility. A leader should enable his team members to explore and utilise their talents, instead of micromanaging.
Post-legacy companies should free themselves to pursue strategy, business process matching, prototyping, and stops along the way to places like digital transformation, AI, cybersecurity, regulatory policy, leadership, innovation and talent. In an all-digital world, they have no choice.
By leveraging the framework grounded on social science principles, ancient wisdom and the Techmanity™ Management Approach, and building and maintain trust with all your constituents, your business can not just survive, but also thrive, even in today’s ever-shifting business landscape.
Busting the following myths- MYTH 1: Data and metrics are the only things investors care about. MYTH 2: Storytelling and creativity have no place in the business world. MYTH 3: Investors are only interested in what you are doing ‘right now’, not how you got there.MYTH 4: If you have a good product, nothing else matters.MYTH 5: Raising capital is the end goal of every start-up.
India has been making the right moves on many fronts, but continued political will and action is paramount to script the success story of the nation.
Ghosting—an act of a weak and egotistical person—has been tacitly used in awkward situations for a long time. We can model appropriate behaviour, both personally and professionally, by not leaving others hanging and by communicating honestly and sincerely, even when moving on from a relationship.
Busting the following myths-MYTH 1: Coaching is for low performers.MYTH 2: Culture is free: Optimise the system and the culture will follow.MYTH 3: The West knows best.MYTH 4: The purpose of employee engagement is happiness.MYTH 5: Values and behavioral standards should be expressed positively.
Managing a multigenerational team can be a complex task for any leader. As a manager, recognising how to motivate team members individually and capitalise on their strengths is essential. Understanding attitudinal and behavioural differences among team members of different generations is a critical tool for driving engagement.
Organisational strategy should not be convoluted and complicated. It is about what you want to become. Why are we here?
Adaptability, creativity, and inspiration are the leadership qualities that our organisations require today. Both employer and employee need these capabilities now, and we do not have centuries anymore to develop them. Making these qualities preeminent in our organisations is the next revolution.
In today’s knowledge-based economy, wherein intangible assets created from human intelligence and ingenuity are at the forefront, companies can no longer solely depend on their production capital. They must look beyond the boundaries of their organisation for such intangible assets, and incorporate fresh ideas and innovation, combining external and internal sources.
Storytelling is a key part of our shared human experience. It has long connected people across cultures and brought together groups who may seem like they have nothing in common, through tales of success and learnings. But what is often forgotten is the power of storytelling, especially in business.