Reactive thinking is one of the many dysfunctional symptoms of our often chronically imbalanced corporate cultures in which doing eclipses being, the left brain dominates the right brain, and sensing, feeling, intuiting, and the transpersonal are relegated to the outer fringes of life.
Busting the following myths:MYTH 1: You need to feel inspired in order to be creative.MYTH 2: Success breeds success.MYTH 3: Consuming a large quantity of information makes us well-informed.MYTH 4: A leader sits at the top of the pyramid.MYTH 5: Success is an external measure of career, status, or wealth.
Generative AI can help all of us to be more connected, clear, concise, and confident in our communication. By partnering with AI in our preparation and practice, we can better help our audiences to understand, remember, and act on our communication.
Foundational to the next era of sustainable performance decision-making will be the creation of value for all stakeholders across the entire value chain. If we get it right, we will enjoy free energy; land and oceans will be revived and become productive; and food and clean water will be abundant for all
Our desire to defend our existing beliefs is a telling symptom of confirmation bias. We can avoid this by challenging our current beliefs, being open-minded and willing to consider new information, and evaluating all evidence objectively.
Busting the following myths:MYTH 1: People do not change. Fundamentally, we are who we are.MYTH 2: Transformative experiences happen to us—from external sources and controls.MYTH 3: Experience design leaders always intend positive experiences.MYTH 4: Experience design leaders control experiences.MYTH 5: Experience design leadership is a simple checklist of best-practices.
When inviting the ‘right brain’ to participate in a conversation, we see more, think differently, and bring new insights. The ‘right brain’ is like your personal genie in the bottle—an enormous power for you, and your team, to release and use.
When a leadership team has common understanding, clear goals, and trustworthy behaviours, incredible results can be achieved.
Toolkit to invest in your employees’ growth as well as fostering a positive corporate culture.
A look at India’s growing MSME sector that has been moving from strength to strength owing to technology adoption and the nation’s skilled workforce.
Busting the following myths- MYTH 1: Educated employees come equipped with conflict resolution skills.MYTH 2: Time heals disconnected employee relationships.MYTH 3: It is the role of managers to resolve team conflict.MYTH 4: Digital communication is an effective way to discuss issues.MYTH 5: Relationships are secondary to profit and production.
While the Stretch Team approach may not always be the right answer and might even be more challenging to implement, it offers an innovative balance between competition and collaboration. It’s a novel approach that promises high rewards if executed correctly and in the right environment.