MYTH 1: Performance measurement is easy to understand.MYTH 2: Performance measurement is easy to develop and implement.MYTH 3: The best practices of governance, business planning, and performance measurement are well understood and practised in many organisations.MYTH 4: A supportive organisation climate is not essential for a productive organisation.MYTH 5: Major crown projects in the public sector can never succeed.
Busting the following myths-MYTH 1: Innovation occurs in a dramatic thunderclap of insight. MYTH 2: Innovation occurs organically; it does not adhere to a process that can be taught or followed. MYTH 3: Innovation is the bastion of Silicon Valley gurus working in R&D labs. Myth 4: Speed is of the essence! The most successful innovators create solutions and get them into the market quickly. Myth 5: Customer research can cloud the issue: follow your dreams—go with your gut!
Debunking the following myths:MYTH 1: Time is your most valuable resource.MYTH 2: Experience is everything.MYTH 3: What got me here, will get me there.MYTH 4: Good managers are naturally good leaders, and good leaders are naturally good managers.MYTH 5: I know my weaknesses.
Busting the following myths:MYTH 1: Online, everybody is equal.MYTH 2: You are the customer of BigTech.MYTH 3: We are not ‘ad-dicted’.MYTH 4: It is all about user experience.MYTH 5: BigTech wants regulation.
Busting the following myths-MYTH 1: Every brand needs a Facebook strategy. Or a Twitter strategy. An Instagram strategy. An email strategy. Don’t they?MYTH 2: Marketing deserves a free pass when it comes to business strategy.MYTH 3: We need to be digital first.MYTH 4: Gate content if you want leads.MYTH 5: Search has better RoI than online advertising.
Busting the following myths-MYTH 1: You get rejected—that is just part of the job.MYTH 2: Whether you feel like prospecting matters.MYTH 3: When prospecting, your job is to sell.MYTH 4: Your clients and customers know what your ideal prospect looks like.MYTH 5: Once you hear “No,” the discussion is over.
Busting the following myths-MYTH 1: Bringing diverse people into an organisation over those from the dominant culture amounts to a zero-sum game where there are winners and losers.MYTH 2: Our mission is to improve opportunities for marginalised groups, so we are reaching some diverse people and communities.MYTH 3: Our organisation works within an area that is not diverse, so this is not relevant.MYTH 4: The leaders (including board and executive staff mem and executive staff members) of our organisation are well-meaning and not biased.MYTH 5: Our organisation has been fulfilling its mission and has never been accused of discrimination, bias, or not being welcoming or accessible. It has not been a problem for us.MYTH 6: Our organisation would like to have more diverse leadership (board and staff), but we cannot seem to recruit diverse people to fill these positions.MYTH 7: Hiring a non-dominant culture leader will solve DEI issues within our organisation.MYTH 8: DEI is expensive. We do not have the resources to address it.
Busting the following myths-MYTH 1: We must educate our prospectsMYTH 2: Price is the deciding f actorMYTH 3: Prospects buy based on fixing pain pointsMYTH 4: Companies that sell what we sell are our competitionMYTH 5: Great service grows relationships and account value
Busting the following myths-MYTH 1: Money is for other people, but not youMYTH 2: Money represents scarcity and strainMYTH 3: A predictable paycheck is the path to wealthMYTH 4: You see money as working against youMYTH 5: You do not have enough money to be generous
Busting the following myths- MYTH 1: Most business leaders are college educatedMYTH 2: Colleges train the next generation of business leaders MYTH 3: Business leadership is about control and power MYTH 4: Business leadership is complicated and hard to learn MYTH 5: Everyone can be a business leader
Busting the following myths-MYTH 1: Innovators are born, not madeMYTH 2: Those who fail to innovate are closedmindedMYTH 3: We are not in the innovation businessMyth 4: We don’t have enough money to innovateMYTH 5: Great leaders design innovative solutions
"Busting the following myths:MYTH 1: Half my advertising is wasted, but I do not know which halfMYTH 2: Clustering television spots in ‘bursts’/ ‘flights’MYTH 3: The dominance of low-involvement brandsMYTH 4: As a brand grows, its advertising must be increased at the same rateMYTH 5: Sales promotions have a much stronger effect on sales and profit than advertising does"