Busting the following myths:MYTH 1: It is all about the moneyMYTH 2: Quotas and other business-related goals are motivating in and of themselvesMYTH 3: Goals do not have to be in writingMYTH 4: Once I write them down, the universe will magically turn my goals into realityMYTH 5: Any goal is a good goal
Busting the following myths:MYTH 1: I am not a creative personMYTH 2: You need to wait for lightning to strike to beMYTH 3: Creativity is too expensiveMYTH 4: Creativity will not help me in my business/industry/careerMYTH 5: It is not the stuff of the serious business person
Busting the following mythsMyth 1: It’s all about the moneyMyth 2: A concession means giving up somethingMyth 3: Never give up something without getting something in returnMyth 4: The person who talks first losesMyth 5: Our people already have a basic understanding of how to negotiate