Busting the following myths-
MYTH 1: More data always equals better strategic decision-making.MYTH 2: AI will make strategic decision making a lot easier. MYTH 3: Exceptional strategic ideas impact your brand quickly.MYTH 4: Strategy has to be logical. MYTH 5: Strategy is a lot more important than tactics.
MYTH 1: Customer experience is the same as customer service.
MYTH 2: Customer experience is the responsibility of the CX function.
MYTH 3: Customer experience is only relevant for B2C companies.
MYTH 4: Investment in customer experience is an optional extra.
MYTH 5: AI and data are the future of customer experience.
Busting the following myths-MYTH 1: More information means better decisions.MYTH 2: Decision consensus beats decision conflict.MYTH 3: Everyone tunes into the leader’s voice.MYTH 4: Strategic decisions are made rationally.MYTH 5: Yesterday’s decisions don’t affect today’s decisions.
Busting the following myths:
MYTH 1: Leaders are problem-solvers
MYTH 2: Tight control is a must
MYTH 3: Complexity reflects leadership greatness
MYTH 4: Negativity is normal
MYTH 5: Business in distress, not a leader
MYTH 1: The people on the innovation team are the right people for the team.MYTH 2: The team should be laser-focused on the outcome. MYTH 3: The team knows best.Myth 4: Innovation teams always succeed.Myth 5: Company culture is not critical to the success of the team.
MYTH 1: If you work hard, you will get ahead.
MYTH 2: Emotional intelligence is innate, not learned.
MYTH 3: Networking is only important when you are looking for a job.
MYTH 4: Mistakes will kill your career.
MYTH 5: Every issue I face at work can be solved with more effort.
Myth 1: Leaders must always be strong and unemotional.
Myth 2: Decision-making is solely a rational process.
Myth 3: Hierarchical structures are the best for organisational success.
Myth 4: High stress yields high performance.
Myth 5: Leaders should have all the answers.
MYTH 1: There is nothing I can do because the world is so STRESSFUL.
MYTH 2: If you work long and hard; if you do what you are told to do, if you earn bonuses and promotions, you will feel successful. no! Probably not!
MYTH 3: To be fair, we need to lead everyone the same way.
MYTH 4: All ideas are equally powerful. N0, they are not, and the difference is measurable!
MYTH 5: What happens when natural disaster, illness, deaths, job losses and dream losses occur? or when covid disrupts all of our lives?
Busting the following myths:Myth 1: There is nothing I can do because the world is so stressful.Myth 2: Guilt and regret are the same thing.Myth 3: Depression is a chemical imbalance.Myth 4: Boredom isn’t that big a problem.Myth 5: Self-Esteem is all about loving yourself.
Busting the following myths:MYTH 1: You need to feel inspired in order to be creative.MYTH 2: Success breeds success.MYTH 3: Consuming a large quantity of information makes us well-informed.MYTH 4: A leader sits at the top of the pyramid.MYTH 5: Success is an external measure of career, status, or wealth.
Busting the following myths:MYTH 1: People do not change. Fundamentally, we are who we are.MYTH 2: Transformative experiences happen to us—from external sources and controls.MYTH 3: Experience design leaders always intend positive experiences.MYTH 4: Experience design leaders control experiences.MYTH 5: Experience design leadership is a simple checklist of best-practices.
Busting the following myths- MYTH 1: Educated employees come equipped with conflict resolution skills.MYTH 2: Time heals disconnected employee relationships.MYTH 3: It is the role of managers to resolve team conflict.MYTH 4: Digital communication is an effective way to discuss issues.MYTH 5: Relationships are secondary to profit and production.