Busting the following myths- MYTH 1: Data and metrics are the only things investors care about. MYTH 2: Storytelling and creativity have no place in the business world. MYTH 3: Investors are only interested in what you are doing ‘right now’, not how you got there.MYTH 4: If you have a good product, nothing else matters.MYTH 5: Raising capital is the end goal of every start-up.
Busting the following myths-MYTH 1: Coaching is for low performers.MYTH 2: Culture is free: Optimise the system and the culture will follow.MYTH 3: The West knows best.MYTH 4: The purpose of employee engagement is happiness.MYTH 5: Values and behavioral standards should be expressed positively.
"Busting the following myths-MYTH 1: Work-life balance is key.MYTH 2: Sustainable businesses cannot exist at scale.MYTH 3: The customer is always right.MYTH 4: Strategic pricing is complex.MYTH 5: Failure is always bad."
MYTH 1: Only logic matters.MYTH 2: Just present the one right way.MYTH 3: When persuading with numbers, more colours gives more credibility.MYTH 4: You don’t want the other person to say “No”.
"Busting the following myths-MYTH 1: Stay lean and outsource what you can.MYTH 2: Better keep the best for a short time than the mediocre forever.MYTH 3: Appeal to permanent customer focus.MYTH 4: Avoid being dependent on narrow markets and few customers.MYTH 5: Beware of the difficult customers.
MYTH 1: It is all about moonshots and disruption nowadays.MYTH 2: Inventors drive the business forward.MYTH 3: It takes a special ‘innovation team’ to succeed.MYTH 4: To be successful, your key investments should be in technology and new products.MYTH 5: Innovation either happens or it doesn’t. It can’t be orchestrated.
MYTH 1: Performance measurement is easy to understand.MYTH 2: Performance measurement is easy to develop and implement.MYTH 3: The best practices of governance, business planning, and performance measurement are well understood and practised in many organisations.MYTH 4: A supportive organisation climate is not essential for a productive organisation.MYTH 5: Major crown projects in the public sector can never succeed.
Busting the following myths-MYTH 1: Innovation occurs in a dramatic thunderclap of insight. MYTH 2: Innovation occurs organically; it does not adhere to a process that can be taught or followed. MYTH 3: Innovation is the bastion of Silicon Valley gurus working in R&D labs. Myth 4: Speed is of the essence! The most successful innovators create solutions and get them into the market quickly. Myth 5: Customer research can cloud the issue: follow your dreams—go with your gut!
Debunking the following myths:MYTH 1: Time is your most valuable resource.MYTH 2: Experience is everything.MYTH 3: What got me here, will get me there.MYTH 4: Good managers are naturally good leaders, and good leaders are naturally good managers.MYTH 5: I know my weaknesses.
Busting the following myths:MYTH 1: Online, everybody is equal.MYTH 2: You are the customer of BigTech.MYTH 3: We are not ‘ad-dicted’.MYTH 4: It is all about user experience.MYTH 5: BigTech wants regulation.
Busting the following myths-MYTH 1: Every brand needs a Facebook strategy. Or a Twitter strategy. An Instagram strategy. An email strategy. Don’t they?MYTH 2: Marketing deserves a free pass when it comes to business strategy.MYTH 3: We need to be digital first.MYTH 4: Gate content if you want leads.MYTH 5: Search has better RoI than online advertising.
Busting the following myths-MYTH 1: You get rejected—that is just part of the job.MYTH 2: Whether you feel like prospecting matters.MYTH 3: When prospecting, your job is to sell.MYTH 4: Your clients and customers know what your ideal prospect looks like.MYTH 5: Once you hear “No,” the discussion is over.