In today's time of rapid change and a shift in our approach towards collaboration, it makes sense to apply design to the ways we work together, right down to individual meetings and workshops. How effective would your organisation be if every session was aligned to your organisational goals?
Research has demonstrated that competitive advantage in business, today, erodes faster than in the past. In the coming decades, organisational design will be key if business executives reset management by making the transition from traditional and rigid management to organisational agility.
The principles that guide effortless customer experiences seem basic. But the truth is, it is difficult to get customer service basics right, and many organisations don’t. Here are five universal frustrations that can point you in the right direction.
For years, the cost of sustainability is what held many businesses back. Now, we have reached the precipice where the cost of ‘not’ being sustainable might be too high. Sustainability is increasingly becoming a business imperative—one that organisations cannot afford to overlook as they build their post-COVID business strategies.
Leadership is being challenged by gig workers for employee rights. The workers claim to be exploited by the organisation, and as an outcome, multiple lawsuits were noticed across the world in recent times.
How to do what matters most and raise your productivity quotient? Developing three habits-having a written personal vision, setting roles and goals, and doing pre-week planning-will lead to a transformation, both personally and professionally.
Summary: Most training and development solutions do not last or even solve the real issue hindering your business’s success. Kickstarting a successful trust-building effort across your organisation requires attention on both the initial impact and the ongoing reinforcement.
Summary: A lot of leaders have learned that it is possible to achieve much more remotely than they might have previously imagined, but at the same time very few are ready to ditch the office entirely. The general consensus seems to be that work will become a hybrid of remote and office work, and of course this is going to bring a number of new challenges with it.
Summary: Why do key initiatives in the organisation do not meet expectations, even when they put in a lot of time, effort, and resources. The answer could be that leaders need to align their teams with the organisation’s goals in order to make their initiatives successful.
Summary: Many companies turn to lean thinking and practices in hopes of achieving breakthroughs in efficiency, profitability, and customer satisfaction, but too many of them end up failing. However, with the right preparation, you can avoid the most common mistakes and stack the deck in your favour.
Summary: As humans, we all can expect to experience an ambush of some kind in life. An overcome mindset can help one make a triumphant come back from adversity.
Summary: The modern-day workplace is not cut out for creativity. Fostering an environment that encourages creativity will automatically lead to increased productivity in an organisation.