Research has demonstrated that competitive advantage in business, today, erodes faster than in the past. In the coming decades, organisational design will be key if business executives reset management by making the transition from traditional and rigid management to organisational agility.
In today's time of rapid change and a shift in our approach towards collaboration, it makes sense to apply design to the ways we work together, right down to individual meetings and workshops. How effective would your organisation be if every session was aligned to your organisational goals?
While navigating organisational challenges the one thread that weaves together the whole experience is the unbridled power of good communication and storytelling. But if communication is so important, and we are more interconnected than ever before, then why are most managers and leaders so bad at it?
For years, the cost of sustainability is what held many businesses back. Now, we have reached the precipice where the cost of ‘not’ being sustainable might be too high. Sustainability is increasingly becoming a business imperative—one that organisations cannot afford to overlook as they build their post-COVID business strategies.
In a country like India, with its vast geography and the second largest population in the world, fintech has been reaping plentitudes of benefits. Be it startsups mid-sized firms, or big corporates, everyone is leveraging the country’s tremendous IT potential, everyone is being able to script their success story riding on the back of the growing digital wave.
Summary: As a company, you must be seen to be taking your responsibilities seriously and making a contribution towards relieving one or more of these worries. It may only be in a very small way that affects your local community, but you will be helping to make the world a better place.
Summary: Your customers want you to save the world. People have many different, and very real, worries about the future, including health, climate, technology and more. As a company, you must be seen to be taking your responsibilities seriously and making a contribution towards relieving one or more of these worries.
Summary: Looking around, one will find that some people are able cope with problems that little bit better than others. The primary explanation for this is that such people are simply ‘made of stronger stuff’. They are more resilient. You build a workforce for resilience, and you would have built them for success.
Summary: A lot of leaders have learned that it is possible to achieve much more remotely than they might have previously imagined, but at the same time very few are ready to ditch the office entirely. The general consensus seems to be that work will become a hybrid of remote and office work, and of course this is going to bring a number of new challenges with it.
Summary: The world witnessed a massive wave of digitalisation, as 2020 proved that remote working is here to stay. But, have organisations been successful in securing a digitally inclusive future for their users?