Management Perspectives

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A deeply personal act

by Yetunde Hofmann
Indian Management May 2023

Storytelling is a key part of our shared human experience. It has long connected people across cultures and brought together groups who may seem like they have nothing in common, through tales of success and learnings. But what is often forgotten is the power of storytelling, especially in business.

Yetunde Hofmann Yetunde Hofmann is founder, SOLARIS. Yetunde is also author, Beyond Engagement.

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A model for change

Happy employees are engaged employees, resulting in increased productivity as well as lower absenteeism from work.

by Dominic Ashley-Timms and Laura Ashley-Timms
Indian Management October 2024

Beyond support to active co-creation

Traditionally, followers have been viewed as passive supporters, merely executing the directives of their leaders. However, this perspective is increasingly being challenged. The modern organizational landscape recognises that followers are not just subordinates; they are active participants who significantly influence organizational success.

by Prof Rashmi Bhatia; Prof Arun Bhatia; and Prof Daviender Narang
Indian Management October 2024

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Harmony of body and mind

A sense of well-being—whatever that means to us—results in a number of benefits with research showing greater efficiency, more effective interpersonal interactions and taking of opportunities, greater motivation, and even greater cognitive flexibility (resulting in better problem solving and creativity).

by Audrey Tang
Indian Management February 2024

Unlock the power of mistakes

How do we achieve both the minimization of variability crucial to reliability and the creation of a culture that values the ‘healthy mistakes’ that have been known to drive innovation, psychological safety and competitiveness?

by Frank Devine
Indian Management January 2024
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