Vineet Agarwal, Managing Director, Transport Corporation of India Ltd & Devendra Chawla, MD & CEO, Spencer's Retail discussing how it is not the largest or the fastest, but the most adaptable that will survive.
Pranjal Sharma, Economic Analyst; Pramod Bhasin, Chairman, Clix Capital Services Ltd and Manoj Kohli, Country Head, Soft Bank India discussing how threat can be changed into an opportunity by being proactive.
D Shivakumar, Past President, AIMA & Group Executive President, Aditya Birla Group and Sanjay Kirloskar, then President, AIMA & Chairman & MD, Kirloskar Brothers Ltd discussing how the future of work will be automation, software and cloud, all led through the smart phones.
In his keynote address, Kumar Mangalam Birla, Chairman, Aditya Birla Group, speaks about shaping the emerging global economic order.
Mr R Gopalakrishnan,Corporate Advisor, The Mindworks, Former Director,Tata Sons, Past President, All India Management Association & Author addressing at the 75th AIMA Shaping Young Minds Programme held on 22nd January 2020 at Rajkot
Dr K Radhakrishnan, Former Chairman Space Commission/Secretary, Department of Space/Chairman ISRO addressing at the 74th AIMA Shaping Young Minds Programme held on 27th November 2019 at Thrissur
Mr Prabhu Chawla, Editorial Director, The New Indian Express Group addressing at the 75th AIMA Shaping Young Minds Programme held on 22nd January 2020 at Rajkot
In a panel discussion on Indias Economic Transformation for Sustainable Growth, panelists discuss how Indian proven technical and management talent assures high-quality work for global production and innovation. They also emphasise how India could do more to enable companies to feature in its growth story.
Opening session on Reimagining US-India ties of AIMA's US India Conference 2019, where the speakers discuss how the relations between India and the USA are important not only to the two nations, but also to the Indo-Pacific region and the rest of the world.
Panel discussion on 'Building Future Unicorns' at the AIMA US-India Conference 2019 with various eminent speakers. Panelists discuss the evolution of entrepreneurship & startups over the years and the relations between Silicon Valley and India.
TV Mohandas Pai Chairman, Manipal Global Education Services; Ganesh V Iyer Managing Director, NIO USA and Global CIO, NIO; Thomas Y Lee Director of Data Science, Fisher Center for Business Analytics, Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley; Stratos Nguyen Davlos, CTO & Sr Vice President, Innoplexus AG; Soma Velayutham, Head of Industry, Business Development and AI Deep Learning, NVIDIA and Charlie Isaacs, CTO - Customer Connection, Salesforce discussing AI's influence on everyday life and business. The panelists highlight the importance and growth of AI over the years.
Henry Chesbrough, Faculty Director, Garwood Center for Corporate Innovation, Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley explaining how companies and countries could use open innovation to grow and globalise quickly. The discussion is joined by Solomon Darwin, Executive Director, Garwood Center for Corporate Innovation, Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley and Richard Lyons, Former Dean, Haas School of Business and William and Janet Cronk Chair in Innovative Leadership UC Berkeley.