Section: A special session on Strategic Patience - How India can rise to the China challenge? | Category: Management Series , Categories , LeaderSpeak , International Relations

A special session on Strategic Patience - How India can rise to the China challenge?

Date: 05 Apr 2021 | Duration: 1:08:01

Watch a Special Session on Strategic Patience - 'How India can rise to the China challenge’ with a panel of distinguished speakers. The session highlights measures of how India should address China's challenge. It includes engagement with the world without insecurity, building alliances with like-minded countries, and an effective workforce.

Speakers: Mr Gautam Bambawale, Former Indian Ambassador to China and Pakistan; Dr Ajit Keshav Ranade, President and Chief Economist, Aditya Birla Group; Dr Ajay Shah, Research Professor of Business, Jindal Global University; Dr R A Mashelkar, Former Director General of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research; Dr Vijay Kelkar, Indian Economist and Academician and Ms Rekha Sethi, Director General, AIMA

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