Online Workshop on GeM 4.0 (Government e Marketplace) - Buyers Side
In the current scenario of Pandemic being faced all over world, AIMA would like to contribute through online mode in the capacity development of procurement officers by providing online training program on “Government e-Marketplace“. With over 52,171 Buyer organizations and 1851222 Sellers and Service providers Government e-Marketplace with its latest 4.0 upgrade is growing rapidly.
GeM (Government e-marketplace) – As per rule 149 of the GFR-2017 procurement of Goods and Services from GeM became mandatory for Ministries/Departments of Central Government. GeM has its own set of procedures for the procurement of Goods & Services available on GeM. Keeping this in mind, AIMA announces workshop on GeM covering the key features Nuisances of GeM.
Duration: 3 hours
Who Should Attend
Government and PSU officials dealing in Public Procurement.
Centre and State Government departments using GeM.
Contractors handling projects/contracts.
HODs handling Public Procurement, Officers from the associated departments like Finance & Contract management