In today's world, where the business environment is changing at a speed never before, pressures of change are paramount. The employees are adapting too many changes to be successful in their work. A mentor plays a special role in enhancing the productivity and chances of success for the employee by:
- Providing clarity
- Checking the employee on his unproductive ways of working and overcoming mind-set barriers
- Showing the employee a correct direction and path of success in his career.
The mentor is a trusted guide, a consultant, from whom the mentee can take guidance for him to be successful in his professional and personal lives. A mentor mentee relationship is a bond developed over time, with clear boundaries assigned to both.
As organizations are on a guard, to check their costs, it is only imperative to develop mentors internally in the organizations, who are familiar with the culture, acceptable practices and dynamics of the work environment.
Mentorship program has indirect benefits to the organization - Employee Retention, Standardization of working practice and having pulse on employee's perspective on what makes him successful